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Intercultural Communication Competence in International Higher Education Exchange

Pemberi pidato:  Dr Joe D Potts (University of Kansas)

Tanggal14, Desember, 2016 – Rabu

Waktu: 14:00-17:30

Tempat: Kamar 604, Perpustakaan, Kampus Hongkou


Summary: Intercultural competence is gaining visibility and importance on American university campuses, and leading institutions such as Purdue and Ohio State are implementing programs that aim to develop competence in all students, regardless of major. These and initiatives at other large institutions are notable and indicate a steadily growing awareness of the importance of intercultural competence among other career competencies. Learning outcomes in this area, previously very general and poorly-defined, are now becoming more specific and assessable. Indeed, assessment is the newest area of emphasis.

But are these initiatives being crafted in light of the larger global context for which they claim to prepare graduates? What are the key challenges that young professionals and veterans alike need to recognize and negotiate in order to be successful in this global economy? This presentation interrogates current US efforts to develop intercultural competence by situating them in the context of a rapidly changing international environment. It suggests that competence not only requires interpersonal skills and awareness but also demands insight into and openness toward larger and evolving social and market characteristics that frame intercultural activity.


Speaker Biography:  Dr. Joe Potts is assistant vice provost for international programs at the University of Kansas. He has recently returned to his alma mater after serving for three years as associate dean of international programs at Purdue University. Dr. Potts holds graduate degrees from the University of Kansas and Kansas State University. Before his service at Purdue, he directed International Student and Scholar Services at KU for fourteen years. Dr. Potts previously lived and worked in both China and Japan and consulted on development projects in Vietnam. He was a Rotary Foundation ambassador to Brazil and served as a Department of State mission representative in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Potts has published work on theories of culture, the role of ethics in leadership, and the development of models for measuring the impact of international students on their host campuses. His teaching resume includes English language, leadership studies, and undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy. His recent portfolios at Purdue and the University of Kansas include responsibility for implementing curricular and co-curricular strategies for developing and global and intercultural competence across the institution for students, staff and faculty. He is also tasked with further internationalizing the campus by developing and implementing new models for collaboration with institutional partners abroad.


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