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Three Variables of the Unusual Volatility of the 2016 US Presidential Campaign Cycle

Pemberi pidato:  Jeannette W. Cockroft(Schreiner University, Texas)

Tanggal: 11, November, 2016 – Jumat

Waktu: 13:00-14:30

Tempat: Kamar 129, Gedung Administrasi, Kampus Songjiang

Bahasa: Inggris


Summary: Three variables explain the unusual volatility of the 2016 US Presidential campaign cycle. The first of these, weakened political parties, reflects an anti-establishment skepticism of government that dates to the 1960s. The second, the rise of money in American politics, relates to the increasing use of computer technology available to candidates since the 1980s. The final variable is a disenchanted and alienated electorate that has come to believe that government is not useful to people in their ordinary lives; many of these voters as a result feel disconnected from the entire political process. 


Speaker Biography: 

Jeannette W. Cockroft


Schreiner University, Texas

Field: American history; political science


Delta Kappa Gamma, International Honor Society for Women Educators, Eta Xi Chapter; Honorary Member, Schreiner University Chapter, Alpha Lambda Delta; Schreiner University Academic Advisor of the Year, 2006; Who’s Who in American Education, 7th edition, 2006-2007; Who's Who in America, Millennium edition; Who's Who in the South and Southwest, 26th edition, 1999-2000; Who's Who of American Women, 21st edition, 1999-2000


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